Nov 19, 2012 12:45
из 10-ти золотых правил твиттера больше всего понравилось 7-ое (применимо и к жж, конечно же )
7. Don’t tweet while drunk. You think it’s clever, and funny, you giggle and dribble at your own brilliant verbiage. But you are opening wide the gates of Hell. Morning will come, cold and clear.
the times,
May 08, 2012 13:05
John Travolta is being sued for $2 million by a male masseur who claims the Hollywood star sexually assaulted him during a massage at the Beverly Hills Hotel...the actor rubbed his leg, touched his genitals and tried to initiate at least one sex act while he was inside a private bungalow at the exclusive hotel...(c) the Times
туды его в качель..
the times,
mad world,
random news